--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> USA Certainly has the right to prevent any one they
wish, from not entering their territory. I accept that

Mario replies:
Thank you.  However, I don't think the snide and
patronising remarks by the authors whose articles you
were posting were as tolerant as you are.

Gabe writes:
What I don't accept, is your retort, that USA is one
of the most accommodative Countries in the World, on
this issue. Call it as it is, please.
Mario replies:
Fair enough.  That's your opinion and you're entitled
to it.  But you could make the same criticism about
pretty much any country in the world.  I'm pretty sure
that there are 11 million illegal immigrants in
various stages of trying to let legal status in the US
who may disagree with you, not to mention tens of
thousands more each day.

Anyone who arrives in the US and claims refugee status
has their claims investigated while they stay in the
country.  I'd say that was pretty accomodating. 
However, post 9/11, certain people are scrutinised
more closely, for obvious reasons.  We are still at
war with Al Qaeda in case you've forgotten.

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