On Mar 31, 2005 5:12 PM, Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha
> Anto Akkara's "Once a Decade" article, posted by Gabe Menezes, is very
> interesting to read. However, the following part does not correspond to
> reality:

RESPONSE: Thank you v.m. indeed for the correction Jorge; thank you
too for noting that I only posted it - perhaps our good Goanetter
Mario Gouveia,  will learn etiquette your exemplary post, instead of
asking - so what?.

I have been to Malacca where SFX Body was entombed, should have picked
it up....unfortunately, I am one for detail only when my life is on
the line! It is really pleasing to know that my fellow Goenkars, can
and do correct posts - this is what getting involved is all about and
can only further enhance Goanet. I would urge fellow silent netters to
get involved; in return I would request that seasoned netters treat
freshmen with kid gloves!

On another matter, my cousin from Cascais informs me that that there
was a Nobert (?) DaCcosta ( A Goan) who was P.M. of Portugal in 1978,
for a very short time - died of a heart attack. Please be good enough
to enlighten us all about this. Thanks in advance.

Gabe Menezes

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