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From http://venus.opendemocracy.net/t/1842/38812/2/0/

The death of Pope John Paul II, just announced by the Vatican, brings the
long reign of the 20th century's last pope to a close.

The distinguished writer Neal Ascherson assesses the pope's role in the
momentous events of his lifetime and asks what is Karol Wojtyla's legacy
for democracy?

Read "Pope John Paul II and democracy" by Neal Ascherson here

At openDemocracy.net we believe that democracy is a vital challenge for
the Catholic church. 120 cardinals, the overwhelming majority of whom have
been appointed by Karol Wojtyla, will choose the next pope. One billion
Catholics will have no vote. At the beginning of its third millennium, we
ask, why is the Catholic church not more democratic?

In the coming days senior Catholics will pose questions vital to the
future of the church: how far should governance be reformed? Should the
power of the Vatican be curtailed? Who should lead the church and how
should they be chosen? How democratic can it become? What role should
women play in the 21st century church? Should all Catholics have a vote?
Austen Ivereigh, press secretary to Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, and
the eminent Jesuit Michael Walsh, will start the debate.

We are opening our online forum to discuss this crucial issue, hosted by
our Faith & Ideas columnist Dave Belden. Join the forum here.

Please join this important debate

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