--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> GL: Let's not argue the obvious. WE ALL OPPOSE the
> practice of apartheid caste system. (Should I repeat
> the prior statement ten times) 

Mario replies:
Yes, you need to repeat this more than ten times,
because, while you claim to be against the caste
system, we had to drag this admission out of you, and
you continue to make all kinds of excuses for the
Gilbert writes:
> GL: First that was what Mario posted when I asked
> him for Fr. Jerome's quote.
> Not to your question. That is precisely my point -
> Absolutely nothing wrong. So why are they quoting
> him? To discredit him? Misrepresent the priest? or
> do they not just understand what Fr. Jerome is
> saying? Again which escol did they go, which taught
> them 'the art of DISTORTIONS'. 
> > 2. Is there Caste in  Christianity? AND Would a
> person practicing the caste system be a Christian ?
> GL: There is no caste-system in the teaching of
> Christianity. In Goa and in my diocese of Syracuse I
> do not see caste practices. 

Mario replies:
The above is an example of how Gilbert tries to
obfuscate the caste issue and DISTORT the discussion. 
First of all he has not read the article in America
magazine, which was about India, not Syracuse.  Second
of all he deliberately misconstrues and misrepresents
the quote from the article where a Fr. Jerome D'Souza
said in the late 40s that there was no caste in
Christianity, taking it completely out of context.

The deliberate misrepresentation comes from Gilbert's
claim that Fr. Jerome was right.  However, Gilbert
knows that Fr. Jerome was not talking about
Christianity in general, he was talking about
Christianity in India.  He was in a meeting of India's
Constituent Assembly, where they were discussing what
to put in the Indian Constitution.  Fr. Jerome was
invited to represent Christians.  The topic under
discussion was whether to include "outcaste Catholics"
in the list of "Scheduled Castes and tribes", which
were given special protections in the Indian
constitution.  In the context in which he said it, Fr.
Jerome was absolutely wrong.  How could any Goan
priest say in the late 40's that there was no caste in
Christianity in India?

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