Are these people brain-washed, or can't they read
English?  What happens when deliberate lies are
allowed to stand?

I have just shown in a detailed post where Santosh
Helekar has wilfully and deliberately misconstrued
what I had written in previous posts in order to make
a series of false allegations against me, that I had
abused him when I had not, and that I had continued to
spread a hoax when I had not.  I used the very
examples he cited in order to make my case.

Now he seems to have been joined by Cecil Pinto, who
continues to repeat some of the false allegations
without any consideration of or reference to the

Not one comment about the facts, yet the calumny

The lack of honesty and integrity we seeing displayed
here by these people is truly breathtaking.

--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bevinda Collaco wrote to Santosh Helekar:
> "Actually it is your fault for replying so
> faithfully
> to his posts. Ignore it. Let it die a natural death.
> ----
> Santosh Helekar responds:
> "Dear Bevinda,
> You are right. It is my fault. I am sorry for
> putting
> you through this. I will now let Mario Goveia
> continue
> his serial abuse of sundry folk on Goanet."
> -----
> Dear Bevinda,
> I too agree with you and thank you for your sober
> advise. We should just 
> sit back and allow people to spread hoaxes and
> alarms. We should look the 
> other way when someone lies or insults and abuses
> others. In fact we should 
> all become passive subscribers and just read the Goa
> News Bytes and forward 
> jokes, recipes and chain letters at most.
> Cheers!
> Cecil
> ====

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