An email address for every GOAN wherever S/ HE may be
this is a Goanet supported - partnership project


         Goenkars !

After my personal appeal to the Principal , St. Xavier's College - Mapuca,
Prof. Newman Fernandes ......asking him and his staff to JOIN us in our
project :

                         "an e-mail address for every Goan"

The  partnership project - supported by Goanet - I am delighted to inform
you all ......that WE  have received a very pleasant and  encouraging email
from   Prof. Newman  Fernandes. I take this opportunity to  share a
part of the email with you good people :

        It reads :

                             * We are interested in joining the project *
                                  "an e-mail address for every Goan".

Thank you , Prof. Newman Fernandes.... for your support and your
agreeing to PARTICIPATE ... in this PROJECT OF OURS .

We understand that St. Xavier College - is one of the leading institution
in Community development in Goa. We hope that your example  will
encorage other  Schools in Goa to JOIN us in this GOANET  supported

               TOGETHER we will MAKE A DIFFERENCE !

We look forward  to  working with St. Xavier's College - Mapuca
on this and many other COMMUNITY led projects in the near future.
WE  have been told that St. Xavier's has about 26 other community
projects  for this summer .....

As part of this project ,     "an e-mail address for every Goan".
we would like to suggest the following :

        Suggest that St. Xavier's College .     Mapuca , Goa.

Encourage every  member  of its staff  - have an email
address , further - we'd like to suggest that all  students
of the  college too .......are also encouraged to have an email
address for themselves.

We would further suggest that the Staff and students of St.
Xavier's PARTICIAPTE in our project .......................by
promoting idea  to Goans in the  furthermost and remote
villages in Goa.

We hope that the BMX - Mapuca and other ex - Student organizations
will also participate in this worthy project   / Cause.

   We are also :

Calling Goan Proffessors / students at Universities / colleges all over
the World  - To Please Support  St. Xaviers College build a COLLEGE Link
with your college / university - this was a request by Prof. Fernandes to

They  need your support please do  write to St. Xaviers :
 EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Ref: College Links

            We  say ...........................GOANS CAN !

And there is more to come ...watch this space .......
     keep       : - ) ing

rene barreto
BRINGING Goans TOGETHER wherever they may be

                            20th August 2005

WORLD GOA DAY - A day set aside by Goans
to express their SOLIDARITY with Goa and Goans

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