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The Scholarship aims to provide opportunities for self-motivated young men and women of Goan origin who have demonstrated academic excellence and extra-curricular achievements to study or train in the UK.

Applications are invited from,

   1. Indian nationals, domiciled and resident in, or born of, Goan parents
   2. Not more than 35 years of age.
   3. With a track record of excellence in academics or extra curricula
   4. Confirmed admission for any technical/vocational/academic course of study
      in the UK for up to one year.

Completed applications should be sent in an envelope super scribed 'De Souza Trust, Goa Scholarship' to reach - British Council, Mittal Tower, 'C' Wing, II Floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 by 31 May 2005.

The charitable trust funds for this Scholarship derive from the estate of Mr Diego Frank de Souza and are intended to provide financial assistance for Goans to study in the UK.

For further details please contact Education, Governance & Science Unit on 22823560 ext 123 or email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 _/ ____\____    Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa
 \   __\/    \   India T +91.832.2409490 M +919822 122436
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