
Sannas, unfortunately, cannot replace the host in the communion. It has to
be "unleavened bread". A bhakkar may qualify. Next you guys may ask for
sorpotel to signify the 'blood'. Better luck next time. For the present you
folks better develop an appetite for Sauerkraut during winter...after mass.
Let us not have more heresy about consecration and communion;
trans-substantiation and trans-significance are bad enough.

The discussion about the balloting reminds me of the interpretation that
Adv.John Anthony D'Souza from Arpora[ then the Joint Mamlatdar of Mapusa and
Returning Officer] gave of "Eleicao coverta:" from the 'Codigo das
Communidades'. Said he, "You have to vote in my presence. The vote is secret
from fellow Gaunkars." That was when Francis"Babush" D'Souza and Michael
Carrasco were on the same side of the fence. Alfred apparently thinks it
happens likewise in the Vatican?

"Tempa pormonem, mateak kurponem" or Use head dress according to the
 Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
> George,
> Are you kidding?  This is the most secret ballot in
> the universe.
> --- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Alfred> >
> > Is the breakdown of the vote by Cardinal available?
> > i.e. how many votes each Cardinal received?  I
> > thought the ballots are burnt and not public.
> > George
> > --- Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> > wrote:
> > > During the 1978 Papal elections too the
> > opportunity approached a Goan.
> > > Cardinal Cordeiro was the runner up, in the ballot
> > that voted in John Paul ll, with three votes.
> > > Alfred de Tavares
Viva Goa.


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