Dear Mr.Michael Gonsalves,

It is always easier to promise the " Sugarcandy Mountain" in the
hereinafter than to stop one's vehicle enroute to a party and pick-up a
roadside victim of an accident or offence and take him to the hospital. The
ICPA decision, detailed by
you below, is good. If ICPA and SAR News reporters had the courage to
honestly report the presentations of Fr.Cedric Prakash  and Fr.Alengaden
Varghese at the ICPA's 11 th national convention, it would have been better.

Can we expect leadership by example..or should the catholic world be fed on
pious thoughts passed off as News ? How do you really see a role for the
Christians who are journalists: should they be fashioned after the lives of
Mahesh Bhat and H.E. S.C.Jamir or that of Christ, St.Peter and St.Paul?
Should we be politically and socially "correct" or have the courage to be
witnesses to the TRUTH ? The ICPA seminar was a sensitive zone of conflict.
Can we have an honest report on it from you? You have all the resources at
your disposal...including the notes made by delegates . I do not know if
there were any Rapporteurs. Let the report on the ICPA Seminar be a
benchmark for journalists, Christian in their belief or otherwise. For the
reportage up to today, the ICPA seminar could well have been replaced by a
screening of Mahesh Bhat's "Zaher", shot extensively in Goa with the Panaji
Church and Old Goa chapels in the background, and depicting many areas of
conflict like crime v/s police, fidelity v/s fun, male v/s female, truth v/s
intrigue. The money saved could have been used to provide a 5-star dinner to
the delegates/spectators/audience.

> From: Michael Gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [Goanet]Christian Journalists ... To Report Peoples' Struggle
> PILAR, Goa, April 17, 2005: The Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA)
has decided to create a pool of independent journalists to visit conflicts
zones in India to disseminate authentic information to promote social
> peace and harmony.
> The ICPA took the cue after Goa Governor S C Jamir and veteran film
producer Mahesh Bhatt urged journalists to "visit spots of conflicts and
> areas prone to violence and write in-depth stories" to build public
opinion to create paths of understanding and reconciliation.
> Departing from his prepared text and referring to the Naga insurgency,
> Jamir, who was the chief minister of Nagaland for many years said, "For
> about 10 years the people of Nagaland suffered unknown, unseen and uncared
> for because no journalist was allowed to write the atrocities."
> He said had the sufferings of the people been exposed and spotlighted
> something could have been done to mitigate their woes but unfortunately
the only news appearing in the news papers was of bomb blasts and clashes.
> "If the incidences were reported authentically from the grass roots, the
> North -East people would not have been alienated from the mainstream", the
> Goa governor said, adding journalists should travel to conflict zones like
> Jammu and Kashmir and the North-East and report authentically on both the
> security forces and the insurgents.
> Jamir said today there was a need for courageous, passionate and fair
> journalists because they could either bring together or polarize
> communities. He also urged journalists to oppose use of religion for
> political gain.

> "But if we create a pool of independent journalists without affiliation to
> any political party, ideology but committed to a culture of religious
> harmony, it would go along way in establishing a culture of peace", Bhatt
> said.
> Mr Michael Gonsalves, ICPA President said in-depth, impartial reporting on
> peoples problems from conflict zones was necessary to build bridges
between various communities which would go a long way in promoting a culture
> peace in the country.
> "The media should be the voice of the voiceless and the victims who suffer
> unknown, unseen and uncared for", he added.
> END.
> For Details Contact: Michael Gonsalves, President, Indian Catholic Press
> Association. Cell: 9823084995.

Miguel wrote earlier:
I thought Bosco was capable of more than just this. The fire of Fr.Cedric
Prakash and Fr.Varghese Alengaden has been 'watered down' sufficiently to
have killed it. This type of reportage is exactly what the two worthies
spoke against. May be , it is time to quote from Isaiah, " I spit you out
from my mouth, for you are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm." That is
catholic journalism?

If this is SAR News, it is really SAD News.

Miguel Braganza

> Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 03:25:56 +0530
> Subject: [Goanet]Film-maker Mahesh Bhatt warns against those in "secular
> By Bosco de Sousa Eremita, SAR NEWS
> PILAR, Goa (SAR NEWS) -- Veteran Bollywood filmmaker, Mr. Mahesh Bhatt,
> warned of communal fundamentalists who strut about wearing a secular mask,
> and urged journalists meeting in this West Indian costal state to be
> vigilant against those portraying secular credentials.

> Later speaking at the session, Father Cedric Prakash, leading human rights
> activist from Gujarat, warned that fundamentalist forces were redefining
> nationhood and urged the media to be vigilant.
> Father Prakash highlighted the challenge of Catholic journalists to enter
> the mainstream media and explore the social dimensions and reach out to
> other communities. "Do not be afraid to speak the truth," he said.
> Father Varghese Alengaden, founder director of the Indore-based Universal
> Solidarity Movement of Value Education for Peace, said more people had
died for belief than truth, because practising rituals was easier than
practising values.
> He said journalists need to have the courage of Sikhism, compassion of
> Buddhism, non-violence of Jainism, creativity of the Parsis, the
> indomitablity of Judaism and the cosmic solidarity of tribal religions.END
> --__--__--

Viva Goa.

Miguel Braganza.

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