George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Mario Goveia replies:
> > George, a learned and highly educated person like
> you
> Not true. Please take my word.
Mario replies:
Folks, take my word, George is both learned and
educated, as well as a deep thinker, sometimes to the
point of almost drowning, as when he persists in
comparing the Catholic Church with the Taliban (more

George writes:
> > Girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban were
> forbidden to attend schools, and women would
> > be beaten in public if the Morality Police as much
> as caught a glimpse of their ankles
> > The last time I checked, all that women in the
> Catholic Church were being excluded from
> > was the priesthood.
> I am not trying to have the last word and have this
> brief comment.  If one is being robbed of
> equality does it matter about the scale of the
> robbery?  I suppose if someone stole 5 lakhs from a
> bank as opposed to 50 lakhs, the bank should be
> grateful?  All am I am trying to say is that
> denying women or any other group equality is wrong
> regardless of color, skin, age, gender, etc.
Mario replies:
George, you are missing the point entirely, with all
due respect, and you are comparing apples with
elephants in my opinion.  I submit again that when you
take the Catholic Church's denial of priesthood to
women, while exalting and revering women in every
other way, and compare this with the misogynistic
Taliban and their proactive physical and psychological
abuse of women, you are not comparing the stealing of
5 lakhs and 50 lakhs, you are comparing stealing with
murder.  While you may even be right that excluding
women from being priests constitutes inequality, which
it does within your carefully controlled context, what
the Taliban did to it's women went waay beyond such a
doctrinal anomaly.

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