April 29, 2005

The Adminstrator,
Via E-mail.

Dear Sir,

Subject: Press Statement.

Hereinbelow please find the Goa Su-Raj Party's stand on the news item in the
media regarding the  arrest of Mr. Prashant A. Mandrekar, Mamlatdar of Ponda
by the ACB for taking a bribe, for kind favour of publication.

Thanking you,
for Goa Su-Raj Party
Floriano C. Lobo)

The Goa Su-Raj Party, while'st felicitating Mr. Thomas Menezes of Oceanic
Aqua Farm of Madkai for his determination and resolve to expose corrupt
government officials, congratulates him for having come forward all the way
to trap such cancerous officials when receiving hefty  bribes, who have come
to enjoy positions in the government purely on partisan considerations.

Goa Su-Raj Party hopes that more Thomas Menezes's  will come forward to trap
more government officials irrespective of whether they swoon or not when
caught in the act of receiving bribes.

Goa Su-Raj Party will always but always hold persons such as Thomas Menezes
in  highest of esteem, for,  these are  the people who can be counted on one
's finger tips to save Goa and its diligent  tradition of  upholding the
'Rule of Law'.

Goa Su-Raj Party offers its special thanks to SP (ACB) George Bosco for this
commendable exercise and application of mind.

The End.

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