| 3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005 |
| |
| Today's Events include Mango Eating Competition, Fruit carving and |
| Cultural Programs. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
<<yes, give them preference..>>
<<And once ellected, give them preference for Ministership too, if not let them do
another sacrifice, then ellections again and so on. We are the losers.... >>

Unfortunately majority of Goans prefer to elect jumping frogs. These jumping frogs get elected over and over again. And then the "Natak" begins all over again. And who is to be blamed for this is the selfish Goans who at this time are in majority who elect these very people. There are lots of questions we ask. 
Why can't Congress put up honest Catholic candidates? 
Why there are no Clean Catholic Leaders elected? In the past, especially during the 60's, we had Catholic leaders who were not corrupt. 
What has happened now and why? 
Why are the present generation of Catholic politicians corrupt? 
Why can't Catholic church oppose corruption? Are the priest corrupt too?
Why can good honest people get elected? Is it because selfish corrupt people are in majority? 
Cry O' my beloved Goa, why do you need to suffer?
Mog asundi, 

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Limited "Mother's Happiness" packages. First come, first serve.

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