| 3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005 |
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| Today's Events include Fruit Carving - Decor - Watermelon eating |
| Fancy Dress. Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.indiapress.org/gen/news.php/The_Pioneer/400x60/0
From rogues to riches

O P Batra

Why has Indian politics become a safe haven for rogues and why do good people hesitate to join politics? Questions such as these need to be addressed. It is true that the political degeneration started during the times of Nehru. But of course, it gained momentum during the years of the Janata Party, and later on during Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and VP Singh.

Even Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who was considered among the best Asian prime ministers in 2001, could not stem this rot. Perhaps the worst phase witnessed was during the installation of the UPA Government, where tainted ministers and sycophant governors were all accommodated. NDA's detractors say it was equally corrupt forgetting that its "taints" like Bangaru Laxman and DP Yadav were immediately decommissioned.

Today every discerning person is puzzled to see that though India has progressed a lot in every sphere, we have failed to meet the basic needs of the suffering population. The majority from all walks of life is dissatisfied with the manner in which our democracy functions. So many evils have crept into the system that the good and the honest men have shunned politics completely.

Modern day politicians with brash manners, supercilious outlook and brazen highhandedness appear out to make money out of everything at their disposal. The political tussles seen in the recent Assembly elections especially in Bihar and Jharkhand between Mr Lalu Yadav, Mr Ram Vilas Paswan, Mr Shibu Soren et al are nothing short of sheer opportunism. Flouting the norms both within and outside the Parliament, accumulation of black money, criminalisation, interference in the judiciary, etc. add to their sagging image.

More disturbing is the overall deterioration in efficiency especially in the functioning of public sector undertakings impeding our progress. These institutions were introduced with great fanfare by Pandit Nehru. Unfortunately, most of them have turned out to be white elephants. The lack of accountability of those manning them is costing the nation heavily. Disinvestments initiatives started by the Vajpayee Government have now been totally reversed by the Congress-led UPA Government due to the strong opposition by Left parties. The end product is the threat by the employees of undertakings, who have long been used to living on heavy doles in the form of fat salaries and perks without any work.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's defence of the tainted ministers-especially of Mr Lalu Prasad Yadav whose 24 MPs are imperative to the survival of the UPA Government-is gradually casting a shadow on his image of honesty. Now Congress's legal eagle, Law Minister HR Bharadwaj too, has come to Mr Yadav's rescue wondering why the Opposition should be so worked up over any minister being tainted as long as he is not convicted by the court. What an excuse. Given the poor rate of conviction of politicians, India has no hope left of a clean polity.

The tragedy is further compounded when there is hardly any protest over the unjustified raise in taxes, rates of electricity, water, etc. Though the main culprits for bringing anarchy into our system are our political leaders, there is no legal action taken against them. Indians appear a pitiable morose lot with no urge to protest against all the wrongs done unto them. It is time the Indian voter took judicious decision in selecting right leaders so that we can dream of a vibrant and truly prosperous nation. The other way out is, "Do unto them what you would have them do unto others!"

* G * O * A * N * E * T *** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *
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