|           3rd Annual Konkan Fruit Fest, Goa - May 6-8, 2005            |
|                                                                        |
|   Today's Events include Fruit Carving - Decor - Watermelon eating     |
|        Fancy Dress.    Check out http://konkanfruit.swiki.net          | 
THANK YOU! Cecil for posting the Humanist's worldview.  It may not be 
everyone's cup of tea
but it works for me.  However I was intrigued by your concern for Catholics 
leaving 'the
religion of the community you were raised in'.  Does it affect the quality of 
your worship if
your numbers decreased?  Could it mean that more and more of them are being 
turned off the
high-handed approach which will eventually just leave the fundamentalists?
Mervyn/Jenga  I have edited the Humility prayer...... I hope you like my 
secular version ;-)

Subject: IMHO

Can I change my compulsive habit of thinking I must always have something
to say on every subject on every occasion? I will endeavour to mind my own 
business.  (Not
very conducive to a discussion forum, however)

I will restrain myself from the recital of boring, endless and pointless details
and get to the point (preferably with a hyperlink to more information should 
anyone need it).
I will endure the fluff with patience and tolerance.

I will accomodate well presented opposing opinions with humility.

I will accept that sometimes I may be wrong.

I will acknowledge, preferably in writing and in a timely fashion, good things 
in unexpected
places and talent in unexpected people.

I will be as good, honest and cheerful as I can be without resorting to 

I will be thoughtful but not moody, helpful but not bossy, observing but
not critical. And will not allow my vast store of self-proclaimed wisdom to 
alienate those who
care for and help me present my views on this forum.

Amen (optional ;-).
I was never really keen on the sacrament of reconciliation (general absolutions 
were great
until they were shut down) and as Gabriel has noted, public confessions are the 
redeeming.  (Please keep the last line of para 2 of IMHO in mind as you read 

So in that vein, I must emphasize that my deconversion was not solely the 
responsibility of
organised religion but a culmination of factors that were probably precipitated 
by the 9/11
tragedy (cliche but true).  At that time, I resolved to try to understand the 
psyche of those
responsible and do as much as I could to live a life without regrets if I ever 
were faced with
such a situation.

I was professionally successful, spiritually content and generally comfortable 
with life.  I
joined a men's weight loss group in Oct 2001 (still struggling to maintain a 
healthy BMI);
became a vegetarian in Dec 2001 (initially for health reasons until studying 
the philosophy of
vegetarianism, which has kept me away from meat and fish since, working towards 
joined the Knights of Columbus and turned 45 in Jan 2002 and had an amazing 
experience during
the World Youth Day Papal visit to Toronto that July (yes, attended the vigil 
in pouring rain,
escorted cardinals to events through the KoC duties etc.).  This was the 
culmination of a
close association with our local parish, serving on the building committee for 
several years
and eventually being immortalized in stained glass!!!

I feel vegetarianism got me on my current path, other events just confirming my 
Through it I realised the immense scope of the misery and suffering we inflict 
on other
creatures that "we have been given dominion over" as well at the resources 
consumed by the
livestock industry. (Fr. Ivo's comment on enjoying sausages stuck in my mind).  
 Many of my
colleagues make a living from it and I too had been part of it (postgrad in 
Poultry Nutrition)
but failed to make the connection between the pets that I treat daily and the 
meals I ate.
The more I thought of the dichotomy between how we treat different species of 
animals, the
more convinced I became that, although more intelligent than them in some 
aspects, we have a
lot to learn from our co-inhabitants of this planet.

It was during this phase of my life that I researched the evolution of life and 
the evolution
of religion, coming to the conclusion that a thorough understanding of 
evolution is mutually
exclusive (at least for me) with the concept of an external, supernatural 
deity.  I really
don't have a burning desire to tear apart the teachings of the church (& 
Christ) and so will
not argue theology or intelligent design concepts.  But I do know that ever 
since I made the
committment to myself to live my life as ethically as possible, I have been a 
lot more
confident and at peace with myself.

I'm sorry for boring you with this blog but I thought that a clarification was 
in order.


Kevin Saldanha

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Limited "Mother's Happiness" packages. First come, first serve.

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