Export / Import is Big Business!  One does it for anything that can sell or 
there is a market. We often assume it involves brand new items. But exporting / 
importing used items has always been booming for mid-level entrepreneurs.  This 
may be in used clothing, cars, tires, scrap metal etc etc.

Exporting to South America and Africa of 'used clothing' from Europe and USA by 
private (for profit) entrepreneurs has been going on for decades. Perhaps 
Indian government restrictions on imports prevented them from comming to India. 
But now with WTO rules relaxing trade regulations, it looks like this business 
oportunity for trade with India is open. 

Calling it 'Aid Donation' my be an advertising tool. It sounds better than 
saying, "It is used / old clothes".  

One can expect to see a lot of this in years to come. With Clothes there may 
not be Quality Controls as one may see with used cars, computers etc

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