Bosco wrote:
<< Are we to assume here that because Fred is a member of Goanet Admin he is not
permitted to have a personal view and opine on any issues? Or are we to assume
here that everything Fred opines is also the dictat of Goanet Admin? >>

Haven't we all seen some Goanetters pounce upon Goanet Admin volunteers until they assert their individual rights?

<< No! Neither of the above is true. If any Goanet Admin member is corresponding
as a member of Goanet Admin, they will nearly always have "Goanet Admin" at
the end of the message, like I have below. >>

In their haste for rapid-fire responses some have their blinders on or simply lack discernment. Thanks, Bosco, for succinctly expounding Goanet Admin position. However, some postings seem to take on an assumed air of authority by Goanetters.

<< As far as Goanet being democratically run......there have been issues that
Goanet Admin have acted on their own initiative and there are issues that
Goanet Admin have acted on based on public and personal feedback from Goanet
members. The results are never always pleasing to everybody.

Goanet has a defined set of Rules and Guidelines. If members followed those
Rules and Guidelines, there would be no need to moderate Goanet or to question
whether Goanet is run like a "democratic institution". >>

It is heartening to note that Goanet Admin seeks and iis responsive to individual member feedback. Have seen persons permanently disbarred, including the use of the "carrot and stick" approach. But we surely do not get to see individual interacrtion by members of the Admin Team.

Kudos for a job well done by you, Bosco, and other members of the Admin Team. It undoubtedly is a thankless job, driven primarily by love for Goa.

Viva Goanet:

Patrick de Sousa
Maryland, USA

PS: Fred, this was one of the messages lost in transit and is resent, as requested.

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