<<From Goanet News Bytes * May 14, 2005 *

GOA SUDHAROP PLANS: Goa Sudharop is celebrating its 5-year anniversary at a gala function on July 3, 2005 (Sunday) in Oakland, California, at the very modern Samuel Merritt College Hall and auditorium. Goa Sudharop has assisted or made awards over the last five years, thanks to generous contributions from donors, sponsors, and supporters. All monies donated and collected go to projects and recipients. Goa Sudharop has no paid staff nor does it pay its volunteers. >>

I seek clarification on the accuracy and veracity on the last two sentences above.

When I approached George Pinto about sending a substantial donation for the Blessed Josph Vaz Sanctuary in Sancoale, Goa, I was advised that 10% of that amount would be deducted from the proceeds.

Has there since been a change in heart for charitable donations to really worthy Goan causes? Goa Sudharop should clarify the above assertion that "ALL MONIES DONATED AND COLLECTED GO TO PROJECTS AND RECIPIENTS .............."

I knew that this devout person was working for the canonization of Blessed Joseph Vaz through the NAIK VAZ INSTITUTE. They met with the Papal Nuncio in Washington, DC and had requested standby accommocations in our home, before proceeding to the Vatican for presenting their case.


Patrick de Sousa
Maryland, USA

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