--- Joe Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An indebt analysis of your earlier posts will
reveal your (George Pinto’s) intentions and > mannerism in depicting the Church as being
“sexists” and “racist”.

George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> response:

The Catholic Church is 1.1 billion Catholics
and not just the Vatican.  I have rarely, if
ever, referred to the entire church in my comments.

George, so you are admitting by your statement: “I have RARELY, IF EVER referred to the entire church in my comments”? This means that, yes there are instances where *you did refer to the entire church* as such?

Frankly, I don’t know what to make of your woolly statements. I think that you are just about entertaining people on the Goanet, which you recently compared to — the Anjuna Flea Market (where everything goes)! Good for you George, I hope you prosper in such company that considers Goanet as a “Flea Market” where you can display your tamasha, and inflammatory posts, without sufficient thought or reason. Now at least we can see where all this is coming from.

Following are George’s posts from the archives of Goanet. I hope that George will rescind his denial on the unfounded (provocative) statements he earlier made on this forum, after reading his previous posts and refreshing his memory. Also, think it would be an ethical thing to do, George?

George’s writings speak abundantly for themselves, and any sense (or nonsense) can be deduced therefrom. I don’t think this needs further debate. Note that there are several such posts on Goanet, by George, but for the sake of brevity, following are few examples:

From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why does the Catholic Church not permit women

George’s Response:
[Sexism.  There are no "doctrinal & theological"
reasons, just church practice.  Behind all the
fanciful fluff thrown around masquerading as
theological reasons is this first, fundamental
premise: women are less than men.  Following that
are a lot of false premises to justify the

--- "Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza"

Cloning human beings should not be allowed.

George’s Response:

Isn't Pope Benedit XVI an exact clone of JP II?



From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

Mario Goveia replies:
George, a learned and highly educated person
like you…

George’s response:
Not true. Please take my word.
Girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban were
forbidden to attend schools, and women would
be beaten in public if the Morality Police as
much as caught a glimpse of their ankles
The last time I checked, all that women in the
Catholic Church were being excluded from
was the priesthood.



From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

--- Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fred - Women CAN become priests, but not in the
RC church.  If a woman
feels called to be a priest(ess), there are
MANY denominations for her
to choose from, so why not choose one of them
instead of banging her
head at the Vatican's door?  If she were really
and truly interested in
priesthood, and not just the evening news, a
woman can achieve that goal.


George’s Response:
This is a bogus argument as the premises are
being changed. The argument all along has been women
becoming Catholic priests and not what other
denominations do or don't. To attack them as seeking
publicity on the evening news is an ad hominem

The lack of opportunity to become a woman priest
and the denial to women solely based on their
gender is tantamount to treating them as
second-class.  Much like the Taliban.



George wrote:
If you do not  like the facts tell the Vatican,
they are
responsible  for the facts. They 'create' the
facts - elect
Popes, make saints who are mostly European. <

Joe’s Response:
George, is the Vatican also responsible for
continuously electing a “white” President so
far, in your adopted country the USA?

George writes:

I see no connection with the topic being

Why, George, you cannot see the connection from your earlier statement above. So, you think it is okay for you (as US Citizen) to have an ELECTED “white” PRESIDENT in the White House, but NOT an ELECTED POPE in the Vatican? Smacks of double standards, George!

George deliberately dodges the following pointed questions:

GP earlier wrote:
A couple of questions:
1. Is God male, hence father?
2. Is God a white European male like most racist
pictures depict him to be?<

George, were you asking the above question liken to the INNOCENCE OF A CHILD or AS A THEOLOGIAN? As a practicing Catholic, did you not find the answers in the Bible? Did Jesus refer to God as “FATHER” -- and therefore, as Catholic you pray the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven…”? If so, why the God being male/female (Father/Mother) issue? Any why the White/Black race provocation?

In conclusion: Ain’t you depicting the Church as being “sexists” and “racist” as also equating the Church to Taliban?

May better wisdom prevail!

Best wishes,

Joe Vaz

PS: George, you know my views and where I stand on these issues. Please don’t ask me about your past discussions relating to issues on various Goan fora, which I need not necessarily follow, and/or respond to every post.

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