jose colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
Here is where I disagree with you: 
1. <" Why can't the CHURCH take a stand on corruption? ". > 
BTW when last have you been to church in Goa? Maybe you do not/cannot
understand that poorly constructed nasal-dialect of Marathi pretending to be Konkani that is heard in the churches of Goa. 
2. <"Even if they do. the CHURCH is not doing enough".> 
Again, I am a strong believer of separation of Church and State.
Otherwise we'd be no different from those Islamic fundamentalists who are now taking control of the deserts, and those Hindu fundamentalist who are trying to make a comeback in your favourite country. 
Not to forget the Rt. Wing Christians wherever they exist & their

1. I go to Goa frequently and I am there at every Sunday mass. Never did I hear the church preaching on corruption. 2. I am also a strong believer of separation of Church and State. Corruption is widespread, starting from politicians to govt employees to neighbors/relatives. I believe the Church need to stress on morals and values.

Mog asundi,

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