I've been following this thread in silence and I just had to jump in here.  A
few comments made by various learned people recently made me question the level
of common knowledge about homosexuality until Dr. Joaquim DeSouza took the time
and trouble to get us all on the same page.  Of course, there will be some who
will question his sources as they question everything else and refuse to accept
it.  That is their prerogative.

Everyone seems to be caught up on the SEX part of homosexuality which is a
natural tendency for moralists.  However, it is the 'homo' part which interests
me (taking the liberty to assign homo to the species ie. homo sapiens rather
than the more appropriate and intended 'same'ness).  As far as we know, there is
little doubt as to the genetic component for sexual orientation but a far less
known statistic is that a higher than normal percentage of male homosexuals have
heterosexual older brothers bringing into question the immunologic effects of a
second male pregnancy and the interactions of hormonal influences on the
developing fetus (in a sense, environmental).  I'm sure someone will come up
with relevant references but for now you will have to contend with this googled

As Dr. DeSouza stated, various sexual orientations are a natural part of
humanity since humans evolved.  However, it has been suppressed by various
agencies for various reasons.  But now that our knowledge base is expanding, we
need to be the instruments of change within the agencies we maintain our
affiliations with, whether it be the church or the government (which is greatly
inflenced by its' constituents' religious values).  If there is an inherent
desire for us, as humans, to publicly profess our love and committment to a
spouse as in the sacrament and universal ceremony of marriage, why should it be
denied to some on the basis of their orientation?

As a former Catholic, my limited knowledge of Christianity confirms that the
attitude of the Catholic church towards homosexuality and same-sex marriages is
based on an antiquated view of this segment of the population.  There appears to
be an aspect of self-preservation within this as well judging from the fact that
most vocations come from families with more than one male sibling, the first
born usually carrying on the family name.  I don't intend to disparage any of
the Catholic clergy but this observation is a personal one and needs to be taken
in context with my irreligious quest for the truth.

Kevin Saldanha

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