Published: May 26, 2005

Ismail Merchant, whose filmmaking collaboration with James Ivory created a 
genre of films with visually sumptuous settings that told literate tales of 
individuals trying to adapt to shifting societal values, died yesterday in a 
London hospital. He was 68.

Mr. Merchant's New York office said that the cause was undetermined, but that 
he had had surgery for abdominal ulcers on Tuesday.

The Indian-born Mr. Merchant's carnival-barker personality contrasted 
dramatically with the artist's reserve of the Oregon-reared Mr. Ivory, but as 
producer and director respectively they achieved a personal and professional 
partnership that endured 44 years and produced award-winning films 
including "A Room With a View," "Howards End" and "The Remains of the Day."

Impulsive, scheming and devoted to the deal in pushing his influence behind 
the scenes, Mr. Merchant was so unfailingly ingratiating up front that the 
actor Simon Callow once said the phrase "to curry favor" was invented for Mr. 

At his death, he and Mr. Ivory were in London shooting "The White Countess," 
from a script by Kazuo Ishiguro, starring Ralph Fiennes, Natasha Richardson, 
and Lynn and Vanessa Redgrave. Among the other notable films he produced 
were "Shakespeare Wallah," "The Europeans," "Quartet," "Heat and Dust," "Mr. 
and Mrs. Bridge," "Jefferson in Paris" and "The Golden Bowl." 

A Merchant-Ivory film set was always something of a family affair, with Mr. 
Merchant a more frequent visitor than producers generally are and the same 
crew members returning for service over decades. Once on the scene, Mr. 
Merchant was just as likely to be fetching tea for a company member or making 
one of his celebrated curries for the cast as pitching a fit about cost 
overruns or schedule snafus. Mr. Merchant traveled frequently between Europe 
and an apartment on the East Side of Manhattan, but he and Mr. Ivory centered 
their life in a 14-room manor house in Claverack, N.Y., built in 1805 and 
filled with enough elegant furniture, prints and paintings to be a setting for 
a Merchant-Ivory film.

Born in 1936 in what was then Bombay, Mr. Merchant moved to New York in 1958 
and earned a master's in business administration at New York University. 

His first film was a theatrical short, "The Creation of Woman," which was a 
United States entry in the 1961 Cannes International Film Festival. En route 
to the festival, Mr. Merchant met Mr. Ivory, and they formed a partnership to 
make English-language features in India for the international market. Mr. 
Ivory survives him, as do four sisters: Saherbanu Kabadia and Ruksana Khan, 
both of Mumbai; Sahida Retiwala of Bergenfield, N.J.; and Rashida Bootwala of 
Pune, India.

The first Merchant-Ivory project was "The Householder," based on a book by 
Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, an author who grew up in Britain and married an Indian. 
She then became the team's writing collaborator in an agreement signed on a 
napkin in a Manhattan restaurant in 1963.

"When we first began, Ruth told us she had never written a screenplay," Mr. 
Merchant told The Associated Press. "That was not a problem, since I had never 
produced a feature film and Jim had never directed one."

Merchant-Ivory came to symbolize scenes of rich décor and period atmosphere, 
palaces and parade grounds of India, castles and country houses of Europe, and 
lavish dinners and drawing-room intrigue. The two men asserted that the 
opulent settings were essential to portraying the breadth and diversity of the 
culture clashes central to their screenplays, which often portrayed societies 
in jeopardy with individuals fighting to retain their ideals.

Mr. Merchant's adventures included stealing props and bailing actors out of 
jail. One famous stunt was getting around a ban on filming "The Proprietor" 
inside the Trianon Palace Hotel in Versailles, France, by draping himself in 
robes and posing as the Maharajah of Jodhpur. His crew masqueraded as his 
entourage and, once inside, set up the shoot.

Mr. Merchant believed that visual pageantry made narratives more accessible. 
Mr. Ivory took on the detractors who contended that the sumptuous surroundings 
overwhelmed the story lines. When the director Alan Parker once dismissed 
their oeuvre as "the Laura Ashley school of filmmaking," Mr. Ivory shot 
back, "The comment will be better remembered than any film he ever made."

Asked to assess Mr. Merchant's strengths in an interview during the filming 
of "The Golden Bowl" in 1999, Mr. Ivory said: "He's a natural showman, a great 
publicist, and he's just very, very good at getting his way. He's made some 
casting decisions by just going ahead and offering jobs to people on the spot. 
He shouldn't do it, but then, when it's people like James Mason and Maggie 
Smith, how can I complain?" 

Commenting on Mr. Merchant's ability to finagle spectacle at bargain rates, 
Uma Thurman, a star of "The Golden Bowl," looked out at the grounds and 
turreted mansion that he had secured for the shoot and said: "You'd think this 
movie was three times the budget that he has. I think of Ismail as this person 
who keeps pulling rabbits out of hats."

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