On 01/06/05, Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Cornel,
> I don't completely disagree with you - you have made
> some good points, but hey, it all depends on what
> you're looking for.  I lived a full life in London for
> 12 years before deciding to come down to Oz some
> thirteen years go, and since then, I visited London
> with my family just last year, and we all rather
> prefer Melbourne to London, despite its history and
> "there's more to see in Europe" (note my kids were
> brought up at SS Peter & Paul primary in Mitcham).

RESPONSE: What can I say? Firstly, thank God that you are happy in
Ozzie. The house you sold in Mitcham 12 years ago, you probably
wouldn't be able to afford to buy now i.e. if you decided to return. I
live not too far from Mitcham, my Sister and Bro-in-law lived in
Mitcham than moved to Worcester Park before finally emigrating to
Canada.(Tony and Ruby Fernandes). Thank God that they too have settled
nicely in Canada. They too wouldn't be able to move back to the U.K.
our house prices have gone sky high.

It is pointless praising the place one lives in - it is just a matter
of choice. I do know of at least two families who went to Canada and
returned to England. Bitterly disappointed at having lost out on the
housing boom here. I had applied and was given an entry visa to
Canada; I am glad that when the time came I decided not to move. I was
all excited about taking up a job offer in the 80's with Australian
Bank. Again I am glad I changed my mind.

I would honestly say, except for the moans and groans the Goenkars
living in and around London are having a jolly good time.

Shree Krishna is in Colliers Wood - although recently the Holiday Inn
and another place have called themselves as being situated in
Wimbledon South!

For a really delicious Masala Dosa, the best I have found is in Goa,
at Tatus in Margao. Singapore where I spent 7 years, has many Masala
Dosa places but I reckon Tatus in Margao is better.

Forget about the USA aside from making money, there is not much else.
Think of the size one would become if one assiduously followed the
American way of life and diet!

I think it is a pointless exercise in futility, to try and compare
places - if you are happy stay there!

Only, we (In the U.K.) can afford to move - very difficult and
prohibitive for people elsewhere to come and afford a house here!

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

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