
First of all, what are you doing living in Canada with
a Sancharnet email address?  Secondly, my advice to
you is to take whatever happens in distant Goa as it
comes, with a minimum of sentimental and emotional
baggage, to avoid unnecessary angst.  After all, you
no longer live there, and have little input or
influence over what does happen.

I now go there for a few weeks every year, while it is
still bearably cool, enjoy the sun, sand, exquisite
food and feni, and bask in the warmth of friends and
family, then get the heck away before it gets too hot.

I don't know about you, but I came to the US years ago
to make the best of both worlds, in true capitalist
style.  I have no pretentions of "giving back" or
"making Goa better", other than through my
self-serving investments in Goan real estate, which I
recommend as still a bargain, some charitable
contributions to worthy causes and personal
expenditures when we go there.

Good luck to you.

--- Floriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sir,
> Thoughts of Goa from distant Canada
> Today I browsed the internet for the latest news
> about our dear old Goa from
> where I now live in distant Canada and learnt that
> both the Congress and the
> BJP are hopeful of forming the next government. My
> good old friend Ravi Naik
> who is hopefully still drinking his daily
> strengthening doze of Aloe Vera
> Gel as advised by me while in Goa is reportedly very
> hopeful of majority
> strength after more strong armed nourishments to his
> party from victorious
> MLAs specially from the one that bears my first
> name. But whether the
> Congress comes to power in Goa or not does not
> really matter for Goa or for
> Goans. It does not really matter because either
> party is going to damage Goa
> much more than it has ever been.
> Looking back at the Congress in Goa, it was people
> like myself that worked
> hard for the Congress Party in Goa from childhood
> and ultimately brought it
> to power somewhere in 1977 thinking that it was the
> end of the MGP misrule
> and good things would now happen. However, in our
> short sightedness, we
> failed to realize that although we did not like the
> communal mentality of
> the MGP, the persons who had flocked into the
> Congress at the time were
> infact MGP people. We would not vote for these
> people while they were in the
> MGP, but we got the same rascals elected as
> Congressmen believing on party
> labels.  Very soon they showed their selfish
> ambitions and their stink
> filled the Congress to such an extent that good
> congressmen started feeling
> claustrophobic. Looking back, I feel ashamed of
> myself today and feel guilty
> of the fact that it is under the Congress party, the
> party that I worked
> for, that Goa joined the national mainstream of
> corruption. Ever since, Goa
> has never looked back. Every subsequent new
> legislator resourcefully
> invented newer ways of indulging in corrupt ways of
> enriching himself and
> the rags to riches transformation of almost all of
> the modern day
> legislators is a testimony. No matter what happened,
> Rane is always imposed
> by Delhi as the CM as he and he alone has the
> infinite patience of
> tolerating any amount of corruption from his
> ministers and MLAs as long as
> he is in the chair. Additionally, he alone has
> always had the right
> connections to keep the people at the Goa Desk at
> the Delhi Party High
> Command totally flushed with currency sent from Goa
> as a share of the loot
> which explained why they never had the time nor the
> inclination to look into
> the complaints of aggrieved Goan Congressmen. We
> have seen it all from Bhuta
> Singh's time right up to the time of Ramesh
> Chinithala when election tickets
> were literally sold to the highest bidding
> ex-defector against our warnings
> to Sonia Gandhi that BJP's victory in Goa was
> inevitable if these defectors
> were fielded again.  They did what they had to do
> and the frustrated voters
> taught the Congress a lesson. The BJP came in with
> their venomous snakes and
> people like myself had to leave the motherland and
> the land of our ancestors
> with many still on the way out.
> Looking back, is the Congress Party the same as it
> used to be? Except for
> the name, everything has changed for the worst. All
> the good people in the
> party have been systematically harassed, victimized,
> threatened and
> vandalized to such an extent that they were forced
> to get out of the party
> or to give up politics altogether. I myself spent
> the prime of my youth
> thinking that we could make Goa a better place. I
> got involved. I even spent
> 10 years in the Panchayat even rising up to the
> position of Sarpanch of
> Moira/Nachinola. That is the time my troubles
> started. My very own MLA, Mr.
> Dyanand Narvekar whom I was instrumental in
> supporting in his victory in
> Tivim with a landslide voting from Moira/Nachinola
> after he was thrown out
> by Aldona for one term made my life absolutely
> miserable. Through his own
> and his PA's intercession, the police even booked
> criminal cases against me
> and made me appear in court of law as a criminal for
> alleged criminal
> activities like rioting at a site of illegal
> construction where in fact, I
> was myself the complainant and was part of the
> Panchayat Site Inspection
> team. I was also similarly prosecuted for allegedly
> threatening to kill my
> own Panchayat Secretary while I was the Sarpanch for
> I had the audacity of
> filing a complaint of forgery against the said
> secretary before the police
> and also before the Director of Panchayats. While
> the crooks had political
> protection, I was spending most of my time either in
> courts or with lawyers
> away from work and family. Ultimately, both cases
> were thrown out by the
> court of law as being without any substance. It not
> only happened to me, but
> it also happened to a whole lot of other good
> members of the Congress Party.
> Ultimately every good member has either left the
> party or are just
> continuing the membership discussing their
> frustrations over a plate of
> bhaji not very far from the Congress House in
> Panjim. Like myself, many
> packed up and immigrated to distant countries where
> at least there is no
> intimidating corruption at the lower levels of
> public administration and
> where our wives and children are safe from communal
> intolerance among other
> things.
> To me, the worst political party in Goa is the
> Congress Party. Thanks to the
> Congress, the BJP came to power. Thanks to the
> Congress, so many good people
> have given up politics altogether. Thanks to the
> Congress, any defector can
> purchase a party election ticket at election time no
> matter how many
> congress governments he has brought down by
> defecting to another party only
> to return at the end the term to be rewarded with
> yet another ticket on the
> basis of so called "winability of the candidate" in
> the words of my good
> friend Luizinho. With my experience of the congress
> in Goa, it is not the
> current congress legislators that we should fear,
> but it is the rabid breed
> of younger congressmen of around my age and younger,
> who are at the moment
> at the grass root level organizations, perfecting
> the arts unseen and
> unheard of even by their own tutors and training
> masters and who are just
> waiting on the sidelines to enter the game with
> sacks filled with ill gotten
> gains that we have to fear the most as not only our
> wives, sisters and
> daughters but even our aged mother will not be safe.
> It goes without saying
> that this is the breed that does not mind
> compromising the chastity of the
> women in their own families for the money. So does
> it actually matter which
> party comes to power in Goa?
> Sincerely,
> Atanasio Francisco Lobo
> Canada.

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