On 14/06/05, Peter D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Cornel,
> If you look though the logs circa October last year, you will find Mario 
> agreeing with many of my postings, those of Chris Vaz and the postings of a 
> few others as well. There are a number of us on this list, general lurkers, 
> whose views are well represented by Mario. I personally have less energy to 
> defend America than Mario does (God bless him) and I also believe that most 
> so-called liberals are actually very closed-minded, consequently I spare 
> myself the futility.
> Mario also has more patience with people who are uncomfortable with facts and 
> logic, so more power to him in his quest to educate America-haters, those 
> opposed to a free Iraq, and the French.
> Sincerely,
> Peter D'Souza

RESPONSE: Rather extreme to brand people as America-haters just
because we don't subscribe to your present Government!

Chill out man - please.

On the contra side, I have many emails too, from silent lurkers who
ask - why are we entertaining Mario Goveia.

I have decided in the best interests of keeping out garbage, I shall
not interact with Mr. Goveia.

Gabe Menezes.
London England.

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