Dear (Mogal) Goencars,
On 14 June an article appeared in which he said that he was doing a research on Catholicism and came across infiltration of Masons in the Vatican.

I would like to point out that Masons in the Vatican exists and is rife as of today. They are racist therefore there is no chance of an Asian or African becoming a Pope. Also Indian Cardinals do not know what Free Masonry is any way, if they do they do not know what the implications are.

Free Masons killed Pope John Paul I, they poisoned him and cremated his body to hide DNA evidence.
First ever Pope to be cremated in the history of the Vatican Pomposity.

People on this net say there is too much of un-Christian on anti-Christian topic going on. Catholic motto is: Ignorance is bliss. but an Educated motto is: Ignorance is no excuse.

Have you heard of Roberto Calvi? - No?
Well go to google dot com and type "god's banker" or "vatican's banker" or "vatican's hanged banker". This is just what is in the public domain, I have not made it up. If it is there you should know.
Vatican said he hanged himself under the Black Friers bridge in London.
It has been confirmed that he was murdered by the Free Masons.(Tell tale signs). Free Mason and Muslim faith have one thing in common, ABONDON our faith AND be KILLED.

Now, the question arises 'how much of your Sunday Collection goes to the Free Masons?'.
Do the Indian Cardinals know?

Jesus toppled tables and chairs in the Temple, we all know that. But why?
Because they were dealing with foreign currency, Visa and American Card? (sort of - yes).
If he came down today will be be doing the same at the Vatican?
Vatican have their own Currency, postage stamps, Army etc.
Or, would Jesus say COOL!
Have you heard about the Sex scandal within the Vatican Army?
Have you heard about the staff at the vatican being happy for Benedict, because their jobs are now safe, and secondly an insider has been promoted to the top job.

Well - Ignorance is Bliss. (what you don't know does not hurt).
Forget about Fr Agnelo and Pdr. Jose Vaz, they are not the favourite of the Free Masons, AND your Sunday Collection does not reach them, and if it does, it is not enough to - KANAN GALINK.

I think I have said enough for now, hope I have not offended you too much. do not take this as un-Christian or anti -Chatholic, just pointing out the facts.
Knowledge is Power.

Gwen Precila White.

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