Here is a post from Rajan Parrikar on

A couple of weeks ago I wrote to Shri Sujay Gupta,
of Gomantak Times and one of ex-CM Manohar Parrikar's 
vociferous and strident critics.  All these months
Shri Gupta's 
diatribes against Manohar Parrikar have been shrill
bereft of substance.   In my email, I expressed the
that a vigilant and free press was crucial to the
of a healthy democratic government, and that I did not

consider Manohar Parrikar or his government to be
the ambit of criticism.  That a responsible press
ought to 
hold the government's feet to the fire.  But the press
not be exempt from criticism either, particularly when
editor masquerades as a dispassonate critic when in
he is a partisan blowhard and an intolerant hack. 
screed in the Gomantak Times has struck me as
and his lack of knowledge and historical perspective
of the 
Goan political landscape appalling.   

I proposed to Shri Gupta that I would organise a
debate between him and Manohar Parrikar in Panjim in 
the month of July when I will be in Goa, at a place
time of his (Gupta's) choosing.  I suggested that this
preferably be an unmoderated forum, but if he so
we could have 2 moderators, one named by Shri Gupta 
and the other nominated by Manohar Parrikar.  The idea

was to make it a fair & level playing field where
a substantive exchange of ideas and opinions would be 
registered.  The only stipulation was that this be a 
civil, dignified affair, without personal attacks or
My role would be that of an organiser, with
for arranging the entire event and defraying all
related to it.  All Gupta had to do was show up at the

auditorium (likewise for Manohar Parrikar). 

Sujay Gupta wrote back to me and we exchanged 
2 or 3 emails.  After the initial round of hemming and

hawing, he questioned my "secular" credentials, 
then called me a "stooge" of Manohar Parrikar.  I
out that "secular" is itself a Christian notion and
that I 
was proud to be "non-secular" on that count.  Manohar 
Parrikar comes from the collateral branch of our
his father and my father were very good friends, but 
I have only a passing acquaintance with Manohar-bab. 
We have met just once, 2 years ago at an airport, and 
our interaction was limited to exchanging
I presented this information to Shri Gupta and asked 
whether he had any evidence that I wasn't aware of to 
prove that I was Manohar Parrikar's "stooge."  I asked

him if he, an editor of a major Goan daily, would
smear every Goan supporter and voter of the BJP as 
a "stooge" of Manohar Parrikar. 

It was abundantly clear that Shri Gupta, who is a
behind his Editor's desk, had suddenly turned chicken 
when called upon to publicly account for the bilge he
been pouring out in newsprint for a while now.  My 
invitation to him still stands: debate Manohar
in public.  If July is uncomfortably close, let us
an event later this year in December. 

I am attaching my final email to Sujay Gupta below. 
I will soon be getting in touch with Manohar Parrikar
telling him about Gupta, the Chicken-in-Chief of

Warm regards, 



Dear Shri Gupta, 

Thank you for your response. 

Your continued name-calling and wild assertions 
lay bare the poverty of your case.  You have no 
arguments to offer; the best you can do is call 
me a "stooge" of Manohar Parrikar.  Are all the 
people who support and vote for Mr. Parrikar and 
the BJP his "stooges" as well?  You are no less 
intolerant than the people you love to despise.   
With each email, you have strenghtened my charge 
that you have NOTHING on Mr. Parrikar, but only 
ad hominems to offer your readers.   

The current strength in the Goa Assembly is 21-19. 
In other words, a couple of seats can swing the 
tide either way.  Is this your idea of a wipe-out? 
If you study the recent election results, you will 
understand that the aggregate votes the BJP received 
remain unchanged (I don't have the figures handy 
right now, but you can find them easily) and the 
core BJP vote-bank remains undiminished.  It is 
not Parrikar's "arrogance" that lead to the BJP 
defeat, as your simplistic 'analysis' has it.   
There are a host of other factors.  But far be 
it from me to stand in the way of you and your 
woolly fantasies. 

Finally: you cannot call me a "stooge" and at the 
same time claim that you have nothing personal 
against me.  It is clear that you are intolerant 
of people who hold and express political views 
different than the ones you cherish.  This says 
more about YOU than it does about ME. 

In summation, as I mentioned earlier, you want to 
hide behind the safety of your editorial desk (I 
mean that metaphorically not literally) and snipe. 
You finally turned chicken when challenged to a 
public debate and erected bogus reasons for backing 
out.  Too bad, Shri Gupta - I had presumed you to 
be a man of intellectual heft, instead you turned 
out to be a garden-variety pamphleteer. 

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