Hello Goanetters,

This has been the headline in most of the world! Nothing on Goanet as yet! The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor is to be built and located in the South of France. Six participating nations decided after much deliberations, in Moscow, on the location from the two contenders, namely France and Japan for hosting the Reactor for Fusion Energy. As soon as the fine print of the agreement is accepted and signed by the participating countries, the construction of the facility will start by the end of this year.

The six countries are the EU, Russia, Japan, South Korea, China and the USA. The site in France in the EU has been chosen, for a host of reasons, including the fact that there already is a typical facility there; and is close to France's second largest city, and the ideal and pleasant climate in the region. It will take a long time to complete and the results of the successful research/ experiment will only be available in 2010 or so for commercial use in power generation etc.

Google for more detail news and keep informed. This sort of co-operation and enthusiasm on the part of six nations' technology coming together, to explore the 'energy reality of the future' is simply phenominal, being a united effort towards a common goal of clean and limitless energy; Some understanding has been arrived at with Japan as the other 'Host Nation', who lost out, on the location decision.

The six nations have come together on the basis of their technology and advanced knowledge in this field. No mention of India even as a future interested nation.

So where is India??? Is India only concentrating on IT software? China, I believe is far ahead of India in IT hardware; and has proved itself in other technologies. Yet the Preident of India tried to boast that Indians should think of themselves as a developed Country. As for Goa the situation is much worse! The Govt. depatment is still trying to learn how to handle electric power and distribute the same. What an advance this is! Then we invite the foreign tourists and give them candles and torches to cope with loss of power! The frequency of power failures in Goa may be elligible for Guiness World Record! And then Parrikar has told us that Goa has a surplus of power; as a result the lights go dim during the evenings and damages all round ! Hindutva at its best! Hah Ha! I wonder what the IITians have learnt! Only theory without the knowledge to implement? Roads and Bridges to serve one season? Parrikar please 'Hang Down Your Head' in shame and exile yourself into the Ocean. Good riddance of bad rubbish!

Nasci Caldeira
Down Under

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