Hi Mario,
I thought you'd find the letter below of some interest. However, I do hope that it will not result in your habitual invective against anything you disagree with. I have kept up with your correspondence on Goanet relating to Iraq and you do know that I disagree profoundly with every aspect of your position on this theme, and therefore, hope that repetition from you will not be necessary. I do want to add that I harbour no dislike whatsoever for America, and indeed have a high regard for it generally, but not for its current administration.

Letter (to the editor) in the Guardian Newspaper, Saturday July 2, 2005, pg 21.

"As one of the estimated 250,000 US citizens resident in the UK, I would like to emphasise my dismay at President Bush's efforts to rally support for the failing war in Iraq (The Sobering of America, June 30). The blatant exploitation of people's fears, combined with exhortations to a fallacious link with 9/11, insults Americans everywhere by assuming we overlook the lies which formed the basis of the invasion, and the means by which Britain was coerced to back the US.

Americans in the US are now turning more openly against the President. It would be heartening to see such a trend among US citizens here, instead of the persistent and uncharacteristic silence that seems to have befallen us."
Billie Hitchcock
Thirsk, N Yorks.

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