Belgium Web Site Helps Gov't Cut Red Tape

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Belgians suffering under a morass of contradictory,
complicated or just plain absurd regulations have for two years had a
place to make their complaints known: a Web site called Kafka set up by
their government.

The rare flash of bureacratic humor has had tangible results: a savings
of $281 million over two years, Belgian officials said Friday.

The site was set up by the government in 2003, encouraging
individuals and businesses to come up with examples of needless rules
and regulations. It was named after Franz Kafka, the late Czech-German
author who hated irrational authority and whose work defined the
alienated modern world of the 20th century.

This multi-ethnic nation of 10 million has mind-numbingly complex
bureaucratic systems. The country is divided to 589 communes and run by
a national government and six other separate governments representing
the French, Dutch and German language groups and the Brussels, Waloon
and Flanders regions....

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