Alfred de Tavares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is'nt your attitude quite defeatist, Gabe (Blaming 
> Tony Blair for the terrorist attacks in London).
> Coming from an ex-service(?) man, it depresses.
Mario adds:
This unfortunate attitude blames any and everyone but
the perpetrators of this dastardly and cowardly attack
on innocent civilians.  In Britain it is the modern
day equivalent of the attitude of Neville Chamberlain
who thought he could appease the Nazis.  The recent US
equivalent was President Bill Clinton, who thought he
could look the other way after Osama Bin Laden
declared war on America and then levied a series of
escalating attacks on US interests starting and
culminating in New York, reading the non-response as

These are Islamo-fascists we are dealing with here,
not some benign nationalists, and they are willing to
kill anyone who stands in their way, even innocent
Muslims as part of their indiscriminate attack on
random civilians, and targeting Muslims in Iraq to
deny them freedom and democracy.

Similar to the sneak attacks on 9/11, the Al Qaeda
cowards did not attack the government that Tony Blair
leads, or its institutions, they indiscriminately
attacked average people who were just going about
their daily lives.

Al Qaeda was successful in influencing Spain with just
one attack, but if British leaders like London Mayor
Ken Livingstone, and Tony Blair are any indication the
majority of Brits are going to respond in exactly the
opposite manner, with more resolve, not less, other
than those who think like Gabe, who the Brits should
be grateful is an ex serviceman.

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