Its for people like you and me to make our feelings
known , write and share your thoughts with the GOANET
admin.Please ....let us not * bash * their efforts -
,I believe they are doing us Goans a great service.If
I am not happy with them ,the way run this forum ... i
will leave. 

   Yes , we need MORE about GOA and Goans on this
forum.It is why this discussion list is known as
GOANET ,  not .....something else.

   We also need to Contribute / Participate in Goan
Communities affairs , don't just wait or others to

   JOIN us in expressing our SOLIDARITY on WORLD GOA
DAY - on the 20the of August 2005.

   I am also TIRED of just words ,  need ACTION to be
followed by words , words written on the various Goan
Forums by the many - so called * Learned * Friends of
ours - Cheeky though they may be at times.

   TOGETHER for GOA....

   Do make some TIME and support our efforts in bring
Goans world wide TOGETHER again !

   Please visit our websites , I am sure you will find
links on this site to the many Goan organizations
around the Goanworld. 

   rene barreto
   Lets celebrate all things Goan on WORLD GOA DAY -
20th of August 2005. 
   Lets express our Solidarity with Goans wherever
they may be. 

   BE PROUD to be a GOAN.
   Many ...would like to be called Goans !        


--- Seb dc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Me too....But all i get in my mailbox is just crap

> about US-terrorist and et 
> all, other than a nice mail here and there. I think
> stringent rules need to 
> be followed.
> hAVE a nICE dAY
> Seb..
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> >I joined this group so I could:
> >
> > a. Learn more about Goa and Goans (Having lived
> away from Goa most of my 
> > life)
> >
> > b. Meet some nice friendly Goans Male and Female
> (I'm married and not 
> > looking
> > for U.S. Passport)
> >
> > c. Have friendly discussions on topics relevant to
> Goans in Goa and away.
> >
> > So far, All the messages I have received appear to
> be from people venting
> > their aggressions on this site. I am starting to
> think I made a mistake by
> > venturing here. Please tell me I'm wrong and there
> are some friendly
> > discussions here.

  Louise , YOU are wrong , there are many Goans on
this list who have contributed and stil contribute -
Friendly discussions , please IGNORE the negatives ,
focus only on the positive posts...

 Just my friendly thoughts.


> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Louise
> > UAE


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