We must change with the times, and the church has done so too. Here in Melbourne, in my parish we have the midnight service at midnight, but the main and more attractive service is at 6 pm and it is called the 'Vigil' service. This Vigil is held in the open air, and is very popular and is largly attended. The program begins with a barbeque at 5 pm, followed by family picnics on the grounds. Then at 6 the choir begins singing carols, followed by the mass and the rest of the festivities. Everyone is informally dressed too. The more serious type attend the service in the church formally dressed at midnight! And there is no problem with use of the sound system there as the church walls are well insulated for sound which cannot be heard outside. With the introduction of the new law, rather than fight it, I think it would be nice if every parish had their own service in their respective church, and maybe Don Bosco's in Panjim could have a vigil service in the open air at 6. That way the Catholic community would be leading by example too.

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