Dear Mr.George Ferns,

I feel the Keralite have every right to watch  their
chanels from Kerala ( FTC)and they even have a 24
hours Malayalam radio station here in Dubai!!

This is all because, have you ever seen two keralite
speaking in English? I'll bet you'll never.It always

But what about us, we Goans loves to speak Konkani
only while in Goa but once outside Goa we feel its
below our dignity to do so. I have personally seen
over here, if you meet a Goan in the city or in an
office and speak to him or her in Konkani you will get
the reply in English. So tell me now where do we

Utt re baba vegin utt, na zalear, we will have a 24
hours Marathi or Kannada FTC channels in Goa!


Luis Rodrigues
Chimbel / Dubai


Mr.George Ferns wrote:

It is sad to know that there is not a single konkani
TV channel. My 
here in gulf is enjoying his channels from Kerala, FTA
(Free To Air) 
frequency, whereas we goans have no option to watch
other than hindi 


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