--- Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://logosonline.home.igc.org/kelly.htm 
> If Dinesh D'Souza were not East Indian, he would
> simply have no role to play for the Right: there
> would be no White House credentials, no 
> appointments as "scholar,".....................
Mario responds:
The term "east Indian" is commonly used in America to
distinguish Indian Indians from American Indians, West
Indians, etc.  It has nothing to do with the "east
Indian" community in and around Mumbai.
To show how biased the statement posted above is,
Dinesh D'Souza was hired by the Reagan White House in
1983 after a distinguished college career at Dartmouth
University, which is one of the top Ivy League
universities in the US.  He became prominent at the
university as the editor of the Dartmouth Review, a
student-run university publication.  His academic
achievements at Dartmouth included acceptance in a
group called Phi Beta Kappa, where academic excellence
is the only qualification.
For anyone to suggest that he was hired by the Reagan
White House because he was an Indian displays a very
high level of ignorance of the Reagan White House, or
is a blatant attempt to tear down his obvious
achievements.  Reagan was known for not using race in
selecting his advisors, and these same political
opponents strongly criticized him for that.  Dinesh's
subsequent achievements also point up the false claims
by his political opponents, namely his selection by
the esteemed American Enterprise Institute then the
equally esteemed Hoover Institute at Stanford
University speak for themselves, but only to those who
are familiar with these institutions.  
People who don't know the difference between "east
Indian" as used in the US and the "east Indian"
community hardly qualify as being familiar with elite
US institutions.

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