As the efforts to bring about the amendment to the
Official Language Act 1987, the first positive sign
was shown by ex Law Minister Mr Francisco D'Souza the
BJP MLA from Mapusa.  Mr D Souza firmly stated that a
gross injustice was done at the time of introducing
the Official Language Act, 1987 by not giving
recognition to Roman script.  "A whole generation was
affected by this suicidal step"  Speaking to this
writer in the precincts of the Goa Legislative
Assembly, Porvorim this afternoon the MLA regretted
the short notice, but promised to bring about an
amendment Bill in the next session (Jan
2006)apparently to expose the  ruling  party's
lip-sympathy posture towards the demand of Roman

Earlier this writer had a tele-talk (+ 91 011 23792777
) with Mrs Margaret Alva New Delhi (looking after the
Goa Desk) .  She was informed that the CM Pratapsing
Raoji Rane felt that on a "sensitive issue" of
amendment "the party High Command should give the
green signal" .  This she stated was INCORRECT  as the
issue of Roman is pertaining to Goa alone.  She
however added that since the Committee on the language
issue was one in accepting the Devnagiri script not
much appears could be done for the Roman script.

In fact as lobbying got underway, the Deputy Speaker
Ms Victoria Fernandes who this writer met at her
residence yesterday and today in the Secretariat felt
that though she was fully for justice for Roman script
as a Deputy Speaker she would not be able to raise the
issue and suggested Mr Aleixo Sequeira the MLA of
Loutolim but when spoken too by this writer he felt
that being a Deputy Speaker himself in the past there
was nothing to prevent Ms Victoria from raising the
issue. The passing the buck game.

Finally it was Mr Jeetendra Deshprabhu the MLA of
Pernem who willing agreed to place a Calling attention
motion to be taken in the House; In fact he approved
the undermentioned draft 

Hon’ble Speaker
Goa Legislative Assembly
Porvorim Goa
SUB: Calling Attention 
Under rule 63 of procedure and conduct of Business of
the Goa Legislature I would like to bring the notice
of this House that there is an anxiety and
apprehension in the minds of the Goans world wide that
neglect of Konkani written in Roman script has
alienated several Goans and that the progress of
Konkani has not been on expected lines ever since the
Goa Official Language Act 1987 was passed.

At a meeting organized by the Dalgado Konknni Akademi
on 8th August 2005 several poets writers tiatr
artistes vehemently made a  demand for an amendment to
the Official Language Act 1987 sec 2© which reads as 

Konkani language –means Konkani Language in Devnagiri

be made to read as 

Konkani language –means Konkani Language in Devnagiri
With this amendment there will be a tremendous zeal to
promote Konkani the language of 95 % of the people of
Goa ,

Following this resolution passed at the above meeting
several emails were sent to the Hon’ble Chief Minister
of Goa the Hon’ble Minister for Education in support
of this demand.

By this calling attention motion the House is
requested to deliberate on the issue, which if found
favourable will bring rejoice to the section of the
people who have suffered for well over 18 years due to
the non recognition of this script.


but when by way of abundant caution he sought the
"clearance' from Mr Luizinho Faleiro. MLA Navelim 
This writer received a "sermon" from Mr Luizinho
Faleiro stating that he was in fact "the only MLA then
who had raised the issue for 25 years for Roman script
but preferred not to raise the calling attention

Instead he suggested that the decision be placed
before the Congress Legislative Party meeting in the
presence of Mrs Margaret Alva on 1st September,
2005.and only after arriving at a consensus the issue
be deliberated further.  When pointed to the gross
injustice in the last 18 years he merely stated that
the same will be dealt with in the right perspective.

Later this writer took up the matter with Mr Aleixo
Sequeira MLA Loutolim and he agreed to raise the issue
if the Leader of the Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar
would support the move.  This writer immediately 
approached Mr Parrikar . He  stated that he would
discuss with his colleagues, while he personally
agreed to the demand for Roman script.  He in fact
stated that if Mr Sequeira would raise the issue
during the "zero hours " or during Demands for
official language which will come up tommorow at best
he would not oppose such move.

Infact it was at the instance of Mr Francisco Sardinha
the Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly who after
discussions with this writer and Ms Victoria Fernandes
Dy Speaker who agreed to accept the "Calling Attention
motion" if tabled by any member, but the "veto" of Mr
Faleiro who is the blue eyed boy of Madam Sonia Gandhi
has the last say in the matter. 

It is clear that the MLAs of the ruling party though
sympathetic with the demand do not have the courage of
conviction to raise an issue affecting the interests
of a large community. This much for the calibre of our
elected representatives.

Other MLAs feigned ignorance of the letters despatched
to them but agreed that the matter should be
discussed, in fact Mr Tomazinho Cardozo President had
not met many of the MLA's at the speed at which it
deserves, was the rhetoric of many.  

Meanwhile Mr Wilson Mazarello will take over as the
President of the Dalgado Konkani Akademi from 31st
August 2005.

Our efforts to raise the issue of Roman script will
however continue tommorrow when the House meets for
the Demands on Official language, with meetings with
all the MLAs.

Mr Mathany Saldanha who's wings have been clipped
though he continues to sit in the House was
sympathetic to the demand but had doubts whether the
move would suceed with the changing diaspora in Goa.

It may be recalled that Dr Wilfred De Souza had on
16.7.2004 raised a Private Members resolution which
was amended &  adopted unanimously and then passed as
amended by the House.

"The House strongly resolves to request the Government
to give granst ( amended by the House to assitance)
for promotion of the Konkani language and literature
in the Roman script taking into consideration that a
large number of Goans use this script in contributing
to journals newspapers magazines and books in the

No doubt this was a great beginning by the then lone
NCP leader the Roman script lovers feel   that mere
assitance is like doles which is a humiliating
treatment for a language written and nurtured for over
490 years.

Hence the ultimate demand for official language
amendment only.

from the Secretariat end Porvorim


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