While the garbage problems and solid waste management
took centre stage in the Goa Legislative Assembly ,
replying to the Demands for Urban Development the
Minister Mr Joaquim Alemao stated that solid waste
management disposal units would be located at several
places in North and South.

He was aware that lack of a common cadre has resulted
in the Clerks Supervisors Sanitory Inspectors making
the Councillors subservient to their whims as fancies
on the logical reasoning that while the Municipal
clerk etc continues in the same office the Councillors
are like fly by night operators who last only for 5
year term , and most like the Mormugao Municipal
Council has had the record of 11 Chairpersons within
the 5 year term.

So as the Councillors play the musical chairs the
clerks sanitory Inspectors and market Inspectors etc
actually run the Municipalities

Mr Alemao however assured that he would visit all the
Municipalities and place the responsibility on the
Chief officers for any illegality.

One member disclosed to this writer that the Ward
Councillors in fact were responsible for the

He later announced that elections to the
Municipalities will be held on 23/10/2005 for all
excluding Panaji and Ponda.

>From the Secretariat end Porvorim 


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