--- Eddie Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This entire post, including the first line and the
> punch line has appeared 
> in scores of sites over the past week see 
> Failure to acknowledge sources or passing off is
> unfortunately the trait of a few individuals.
Mario replies:
Eddie, The following is a response to the post you
referred to is shown below.  It was sent to me by
Rahul Deshmukh, an Indian student in the US.  India's
fantasies about being a superpower will never be
achieved until they somehow learn to avoid treating
the whole country as one big public garbage dump,
spitoon, urinal and commode:
> How about putting things this way.
> Wind force hitting the New Orleans - 150-160
> miles/hr enough to destroy
> everything in its path
> Wind force hitting Mumbai - few miles an hour.
> Unlikey to cause much
> damage.
> Inches of Rain  in New Orleans -18 . Flooding caused
> - Almost NIL.
> Potential for flooding - ENORMOUS - 10 meters below
> sea level, the main
> reason for flooding was levy breakdown-  designed to
> sustain category 3
> Inches of rain in Mumbai - 37.  Potential for
> flooding with design of
> proper drainage system almost NIL... Slightly above
> sea level.
> Flooding problems, railway shutdowns --- every year
> story  for Mumbai.
> Way to remove water from NO-  Literally pump
> billions of gallons out of
> the city through pumps.
> Way to remove water for Mumbai- Do not obstruct the
> drainage system.
> Gravity will take care of the rest.  
> Number of people homeless before Katrina in NO- very
> few . 
> Number after -  The WHOLE CITY (around a million)
> Number of people homeless in Mumbai before the
> floods-  A few MILLIONS
> Number homeless after the floods- again a few
> million
> Infrastructure destroyed because of hurricane (not
> rains) in NO - Mind
> blowing.
> Infrastructure destroyed because of rains in Mumbai
> - little, should
> have been NIL. 
> Possibilty of deaths in NO - Thousands . Actual
> number dying- a few
> hundred.
> Possibilty of deaths in Mumbai because of rains -
> should have been NIL.
> Actual number dying - a lot more than necessary.
> Cause of the disaster in NO - Mother Nature
> Cause of the loss of life and property in Mumbai-
> Poor city planning
> Early warings to evacuate NO - Given well in advance
> Early warnings to seek higher ground in Mumbai -
> Almost None

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