<Believe we should be asking Chief Minister Rane *WHY* the Konkan Railway
*Skybus* which costs approx Rs.45 crore per km; in other words, only
two-thirds the cost of the proposed monorail project, is not being
considered. Land acquisition, too, seems to be minimal with the *Skybus*
project. The difference is approx Rs.675 crore <GASP> [Lawrence Rodrigues]

The skybus technology which seems to have been talked about for a long time
really sounds too good to be true. It is most unfortunate that they went and
goofed up fatally in a relatively simple matter like testing -- not just
once, but twice! As a result they could not go to the next stage of
developing a live demonstration project in conjunction with the Goa govt a
big backer of the system. So they have nothing to show anyone by way of a
functioning skybus system. Hence no customers for it. Very sad.

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