This is good fodder for all our fanatic Hindutva and VHP friends. It should 
also be clearly understood that accounts on the Inquisition whether in Goa or 
in Spain are often exaggerated. This is not to deny that there were no 
excesses. The Goan Catholics should be proud that ther ancestors were 
converted. As I said earlier there is this category of self-hating individuals 
who take little pride in their own cultures and what it gave them: many Goan 
Catholics included who think that the only criterion for being an Indian is to 
be a Hindu in religion or culture.Then colonialised natives are all too quick 
to point the finger of blame to the while man. Its called the White Man's 
burden: The white man is always expected by the brown man to set the highest 
standards in everything, as something like that cannot be expected from the 
natives....a lowe standard from natives is acceptible but not the whiet man!!

Lets face this fact: The Portuguese rule in Goa was a historic necessity. It 
liberated our ancestors from the most horrific form of human exploitation, 
cruelty and discrimination that exists(still) in Hindu society. There is no 
more cruel chapter in human history than the discrimination and cruelty of 
Hindu caste society which has a clear scriptural basis.Slavery, colonislism 
and inquisitions simply pale in comparisn to the caste system. The lives of
hundreds of millions is a living hell of oppression, discrimination and 
poverty: they have no human dignity or future. One needs to read the 
Manusmriti to know the kinds of torture that used to be used on the lower
castes. Their history has never been written as they were not allowed to write 
or express themselves. What about the cruel practice of Sati that was 
abolished by the Portuguese: don't they feel for women who used to
or would have ended up roasted alive. So many of us may be descendents of 
women who must have been saved this horror because of the conversions.

All modern day historical criticisms should also consider the fact that 
egalitarianism, social justice, universal education and human dignity are all 
alien to Indian culture. They are all western imports, thanks to the 
colonialists and the Christian missionaries. And these alone got us into the 
modern age and have caused the country to progress. They gave the Indian 
culture a conscience it never had nor could develop on its own: to realise 
that every human is an equal!

Neil de Jesus Rangel.
Santo Estevam,
Goa 403106. 

--- Frederick Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> from
> The Rediff Interview/Novelist Richard Zimer
> September 14, 2005
> Richard Zimler's novel, Guardian of the Dawn, documents the little-known 
> Portuguese Inquisition in India, in 16th century Goa.

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