Nearly a decade ago perhaps no one at that  historic
meet  which witnessed a mammoth gathering   on 14th
November 1985 at the Azad Maidan Panaji (incidentally
that was Children' Day and the birth day of India's
first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru)
that covertly a criminal act of deceit  was inflicted
by a section of the Hindu Brahmins on a section of the
people of Goa (mainly Cristaos ) who were conversant
with the Roman script, when  four years earlier on 21
November 1981 the members of General Council (for
Konkani) of the Sahitya Akademi decided to impose
Konkani  ONLY in the Devanagari script "as acceptable"
to the people of Goa instead of BOTH Roman and

Today these traitors in the garb of maintaining
communal harmony are now maintaining a discreet
silence on the exposures made by this writer and
several others. 

One of the traitors who took Rs 1000/- as car
allowance from KPA funds (and has not denied it till
date) is well esconed in the recently constituted Goa
Pradesh Congress Committee apparently to create more

It is this section of the Hindu Brahmins that had
spread the myth that the Hindu Bahujan Samaj (non
Hindu Brahmins) were supporting Marathi when in
reality they were one -----in agreeing that Konkani is
their mother tongue as is the case of every "niz
goencar"  but they only demanded that the Marathi
language used for cultural and written purposes be
given due recognition owing to long usage which was

The hatred that was being directed towards the Hindu
Bahujan Samaj by instigating the Cristaos was only to
cover the chicanery of a section of the Hindu Brahmins
who played the mischief in the act of denying official
recognition to the Roman script.

This is now sought to be rectified with an amendment.

It is a clarion call given to all the 36 members of
the Goa legislative Assembly irrespective of the
parties that they belong, to immediately prepare the
legislation to bring about the amendment in the coming

It is also a reminder that this historic meet was
addressed by Mr Pundalik Naik the Convenor of the
Konkani Porjecho Avaz, the lone MLA of the then Goa
Congress Mr Luizinho Faleiro and the present Deputy
Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly Ms Victoria
Fernandes lone INC women representative to take
positive steps in this direction.
A peep into memory lane gives an insight into the
MLA's that "supported" the Official Language Act 1987
in its present form.

Of the 18 Indian National Congress MLAs elected to the
1984 Goa Legislative Assembly which was then an Union
territory with 30 seats with 2 i.e. one each for Daman
and Diu only the following are still in power
Mr Francisco Sardinha  Curtorim
Mr Subhash Shirodkar   Shiroda
Mr Harsh Zantye        Bicholim
Mr Dayanand Narvekar   Tivim
Mr Pratapsing Rane     Sattari

Other vanquished are Shaik Hassan Haroon, J B
Gonsalves Manu Fernandes Vassu Paik Gaonkar Simon D
Souza Pandu Naik Dr Luis Proto Barboso Francisco Monte
Cruz Chandrakant Vernekar Dr Sripad Cuncoliencar
Voikunt Dessai Sambhaji Solanki Shambu Bandekar

Of the lone Goa Congress (elected unopposed) 
Mr Luisinho Faleiro    Navelim 
is still in power but now pledges allegiance to the

Of the three Independent members none are in power
they were Jivanbhai Prabhakar late Francisco Branco
Uday L Bhembre 

Of the 8 Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party MGP only 
Mr Ravi Sitaram Naik   Ponda 
is still in power but from then until now he has
meandered from INC BJP and back to INC

Others vanquished are Babuso Gaonkar Ramakant Khalap
Prakash Velip Ashok Naik Kashinath Zolmi Chandrashekar
Divkar Srikant Malik


There are also questions which need answers were these
MLA's who in their manifesto promised recognition for
either or both Konkani and Marathi as official
languages or that they would constitute a Government
aided Konkani and Marathi Academy were aware that a
section of the Goan population (mainly Cristaos ) the
125 diocesan schools that switched over to Konkani in
Devanagari script (without a standardised text without
properly trained teachers  in academic year 1989-90
onwards)or the Catholic Church aware of the mischief
committed on 21st November 1981 at the Sahitya Academy
New Delhi? and if yes, can they not be treated as
traitors alongwith the others? and if they did not
will they now stand up now that they are in the ruling
party and speak out with the courage of conviction and
undo the injustice???

This is the question every Goan must ask for its now
or never.  There is a deluge of influx of migrants to
Goa --- a peep at the Railway terminus the Airports
the Inter state Bus terminus are witness to the new
entrants to Goa and all this because there is a
Government in power insensitive to the alarming change
in demographic composition of the State. 

They were out of power from 24 October 2000 to 2nd
February 2005 or 7th June 2005 and are now interested
in filling their own coffers in fiscal year (2005-06) 

Therefore it is the Goan in Goa outside Goa and abroad
whether the Gulf countries on the seven seas or the
Western countries to pull up their respective MLA's
and demand of them that the Roman script be given
official recognition that the mother tongue of Goans
thereby be strenghtened and the people of Goa will
then only be able to work together and show to the
world that it is our culture our ethos that makes us
different from the others.

2005) and the Gomant Vishwa Sammelan slated for 7th
January 2006 this is time opportune for the
International media and the World wide Goans that will
descend into  Goa to give wide coverage to the gross
injustice inflicted upon Konkani in Roman script
(mainly cristaos) and hence do not miss this
opportunity to give life, strenght and support to the

Watch out for more details in this columns as the days
pass by. Goans would do well to circulate this to all
and sundry to build the movement.


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