With the elections on 23 October 2005  to the
Municipal Council process underway, the Code of
Conduct has come into force.  However according to
reports recieved by this writer, there has been hectic
activity at all the Municipal Councils.

Files are being dispossed of by respective councillors
demanding out of turn clearance, to appease the
Builders and other citizens  with connivance of the
Municipal Engineers and Chief Officers.

There are reports that the Minister for Municipal
Administrations himself directs the bureaucrats to
clear the same.

Despite the ban on recruitment the over 600 vacancies
of conservancy staff are being filled in on
recommendations of the Municipal Councillors or others
in the garb of daily wages.  

Though it is necessary to give breaks in service each
councillor tries to protect his her favourite and then
demand for regularisation on compassionate grounds or
otherwise, since money has changed hands at the time
of placement.  

The irony of the racket is that non-goans tend to
benefit. Therefore the entire list of such incumbents
should be called for and only Goans be preferred first
and later non goans who fulfill the 15 year
domicile.There are instances where staff have retired
and engaged on daily wages, Not all those on the
Nominal Muster rolls attend to jobs relating to the
Municipality concerned but many attend to personal
jobs of the Councillors staff or "delegate" -
subcontract jobs to others at lower rates while they
collect the remunnerations and pay a lesser amount to
their proxy.  This writer has seen a number of such
workers discharging duties at the SGPDA fish market
when they ought to be on the rolls of the Margao
Municipal Council.

Incidentally since the new Right to Information act
will come into force on 12th October 2005 several NGOs
are up in arms to call for the names of daily wage
earners recruited by the Municipalities from State
Information Officers under the Act to expose the
illegal acts of Councillors.

When this writer visited a  Municipal Council it was
clear that atleast six vacancies were being cleared on
explicit orders of a top politician after the Code of
Conduct came into force.

In view of this the Director of Municipal
Administration Mr D A Havaldar has been impleaded upon
to issue directions to the CO's not to clear files or
make recruitments and if the same has been done after
the code came into force the "stop payment " orders be

Meanwhile, if the Councils are dissolved the CO's
could become Administrators and clear the files at the
same time pruning their departments well in time
before the next batch of councillors take office on 24
October 2005 for another 5 year term.

The State Chief Election Officer should also not the
same and take immediate action.

With the dissolution of the Corporation of City of
Panaji ordinance to come into force tommorow after the
signature of the Governor is obtained, dissolving the
11 Municipal councils too would be in order.

Borda Margao Goa

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