--- karmarkar d <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think the posts by Averthan D'souza  are really
> unfortunate.

Dear Karmarkar,

I don't know if you've caught on to what Avertahanus
was saying.

At this moment in time, there is not much point in
spending crores on fancy mass transit systems.  Where
will the power to power the locomotives come from? 

The more important issues are those of garbage
disposal and infracture like 24x7 water supply, proper
drainage, sewage treatment and converting current
toilet facilities in every house and building to
connect to proper sewage drainage (too may septic
tanks can lead to ground-water contamination and
proliferation of mosquitoes via improperly installed
vent pipes), constant electric supplies, smooth roads,
enforce building regulations and ensure that buildings
are used for the purpose they were built for.  

- We've had enough issues with flooding as a result of
hurried, improperly-thought-out IFFI hullabaloo, not
to speak of massive leaks in the "newly-restored" 
Kala Academy buildings. 

- One look at the environs of the INOX theatre will
indicate massive pot-holes on the road between the
theatre and Don Bosco's school.  

- The pavements alongside the Campal-Miramar road,
whihc were destroyed to make way for the road
expansion, have yet to be rebuilt. As a result, people
overflow on to the road, making the road expansion
practically useless.

- Goa requires 24x7 traffic lights installed in the
major cities, to ensure proper flow of traffic.  This
alone will go a long way to make the roads safer for

Once the above issues have been resolved and properly
implemented can one think of "spending" on the fancy
mass-transit systems, which I am sure require
"adequate" supplies of electricity to operate. 


Gabriel de Figueiredo.
Melbourne - Australia.

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