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On a wing... without a hope!

October 19, 2005
Govindraj Ethiraj

<The AAI is a disaster in progress in the 21st century. And to reiterate,
this is not about investments and upgradations. Of course they must happen
and should have long ago. This is about failing on every conceivable service
delivery parameter that one can think of. One is not even talking of tardy
air traffic controllers who allow so much space between take-offs and
landings you think they operate only with the benefit of eyesight and
without modern landing aids. Bangalore if I recall correctly is the worst in
this regard, Kolkata, Delhi come close.

Organisations, be they in public or private domain, have to deliver to their
stakeholders or at least show that they tried. The AAI has not just failed
but has earned the wrath of every air traveller who has travelled in the
last few decades. That's because the AAI has failed to even think passenger
convenience, as I argued with Sudhir Kumar in his offices at Santacruz
airport sometime back. That's why the unions have no business claiming they
can do a better job.

Frankly, after all that torment, its too late for a second chance. The
unions grandly sign off their demands by saying they 'Trust the citizens of
India will opt for the best in the interest of the future generation.' Well
sure. I can assure you they will, without a doubt.>

Govindraj Ethiraj works for CNBC-TV18. The views expressed here are his own.

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