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Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am well aware from co-existing with American blacks of 
> their struggle before I got here. What does that have anything
> to do with the amazing progress that 76% of them have made since
> then, which puts only 24% of them at about the economic level
> of many middle-income Europeans.

The United States of America that Mario Goveia lives in must be another 
country, and not the United States of America that I know from having lived 
here since 1956. For one of those decades, I taught in East Harlem and also in 
the Bedford-Stuyvesant district of Brooklyn. My students ranged from teenagers 
to men and women in their fifties, and through their families I came to know 
black poverty and disillusionment at first hand.

For Mario to claim that the poorest section of blacks---which he puts at 24 
percent of the total black population---has about the same economic level 
of "many middle-income Europeans" is preposterous. His blanket statements 
about social conditions in the country we live in have gone unchallenged for 
far too long.  Perhaps he can produce some verifiable figures to substantiate 
his claim? 

Best regards,

Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

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