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Just labeling my statements "false" don't make them so.

It is well documented that Jackson is a shakedown con artist --

---Did you know when Jackson threatened an economic boycott against Anheuser 
Bush Companies two of his sons, Yusef and Jonathan, were awarded a lucrative 
Chicago Budweiser distributorship despite the fact that they had no 
experience in the beer industry?

---Did you know Jackson opposed the merger between giants GTE and Bell 
Atlantic, until the two companies kicked in a million dollars to one of 
Jackson's "non-profit" groups

---Did you know that Dr.. King told Jesse that everybody who worked in the 
movement was a minister so Jesse went to seminary for six months (to learn 
the "lingo"), dropped out, and began calling himself a Reverend?

---Did you know that Jackson wasn't on specially good terms with Martin L. 
King or other members of the SCLC staff who mistrusted his ambition, his 
audacity and his refusal to be a team player.    At the last SCLC staff 
meeting, one week before he was shot, King expressed his displeasure with 
Jackson by walking out.  Jackson followed him, trying to continue the 
discussion.   King admonished him angrily "Don't you ever pull that kind of 
thing at one of my meetings.  If you are so interested in doing your own 
thing that you can't do what the organization is structured to do, go 
ahead...but for God's sake, don't bother me!"

---"The only person who cradled Dr. King was the Reverend Ralph Abernathy" 
said Hosea Williams, top deputy to Dr. King at the SCLC who was present 
during the shooting.  "It's a helluva thing to capitalize on a man's 
death--especially one you professed to love" when it was learned that 
Jackson had smeared Dr.King's blood from the balcony on his (Jesse's) shirt 
and claimed (lied) : "I come here with a heavy heart because on my chest is 
the stain of blood from Dr. King's head".

---Did you know that in 2001 Jackson caused the Democrat Party acute 
embarrassment when he was forced to announce that 'der Reverend' had 
fathered a baby girl out of wedlock with staffer Karin Stanford in 1998. 
Jackson's sexual escapades were rumored for years.  Jackson was so arrogant 
in his belief that the leftwing media would cover facts for him that he even 
brought his pregnat mistress to meet Bill Clinton ("I feel your pain") in 
the White House at the very height of Clinton's own dalliances with White 
House intern, Monica Lewinsky?

---Did you know Jackson is a racist calling Jews "hymies" and New York 
"hymietown" a derogatory reference to Jews?

---Did you know that Jackson has been called a "poverty pimp" by none other 
than a fellow black, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Founder and President of The 
Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, Los Angeles for turning racial 
grievances into an inexhaustible moneymachine to enrich himself and his 
family and friends?

Insofar as Al Sharpton and the others ... you should do your own research, 
but I'm sure most everyone in this forum have known that this jobless idiot 
masquerading as a Reverend is the perpetrator of the Twana Brawley fraud and 
is responsible for the eight deaths in the Harlem fire he stoked with the 
"interloper" canard...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- Chris Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Blacks are now left with leaders like Mfume and Jackson and Sharpton and
>> Bond who accuse the president of not giving enough handouts.
> This is false and reads like USA right-wing propaganda. Bond, Jackson and 
> others marched in the
> 1960's, withstood racist attacks, etc.  They have fought for 
> African-Americans and ask for equal
> opportunity which is denied them, not handouts.

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