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--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am surprized that while the late Rosa Parks body
> is still warm, the right-wing has used her
> death to continue to politicize the just civil
> rights struggle.  I would like to know what Mario
> Goveia and Chris Vaz have done to promote civil
> rights and compare that with what Jesse Jackson
> and Julian Bond, etc.  While Jackson and Sharpton do
> not qualify to be canonized, they have stood
> for African-Americans, unlike Bill O'Reilly and Rush
> Limbaigh who use words like shake-down artist
> and other epithets to describe them and which Chris
> repeats here.  Jackson and Sharpton both
> apologized publicly for their Hymie and Twana
> episode, respectively. But the right-wing who wants
> to continue to deny African-Americans equal
> opportunity in practice, continues with red
> herrings.
Mario responds:
Mario and Chris vociferously support equal rights for
all Americans and equality of opportunity for all
Americans in the communities in which we live.  How
dare George, who demands equality of outcomes from a
left wing perspective, suggest otherwise.
Actually it is George who is abusing the memory of
Rosa Parks, a true American hero, by unleashing a
vitriolic attack on anyone who supports true equality
of opportunity for African-Americans.  Instead, George
demands more discrimination by demanding equality of
outcomes, while denying he is doing so.  This is
proven when he constantly compares this community's
achievements with the achievements of other
communities.  Equality of outcomes is not guaranteed
to anyone in a free enterprise society like the US.
Anyone who denies anyone equal opportunity in the US
today would face the full power of the law, as many
state and local officials and Mayors are now African
Americans themselves, and organizations abound across
the country to help anyone who has a grieviance.

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