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It might  interest you to know that President Johnson was only able to push 
through the 1964 Civil Rights Act with the help of then Sen Everett Dirksen, 
minority leader of the Republican Party and his fellow Republicans even when 
Johnson's own partymen including KlanEagle Robert Byrd and the elder Gore 
voted against it!  And don't forget it was the Great Emancipator himselves 
that abolished slavery!

It is under George Bush's leadership that the black community has made 
substantial progress in every sphere--he has appointed more blacks to high 
level positions in his administration, unemployment of blacks is at its 
lowest ever, education standards are up, and so is home ownership. George 
Bush has also earmarked $15 Billion for AIDS efforts in Africa. So these are 
no red herrings George, these are facts.

Your claim that Jackson and Sharpton have helped blacks is false--all they 
have done, as I explained in my earlier email, is  only enriched themselves 
on the backs of their peopleby promising a lot and delivering little.  And I 
have yet to see any retraction from either Sharpton or Jackson of their 
racist remarks.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Pinto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I am surprized that while the late Rosa Parks body is still warm, the 
> right-wing has used her death to continue to politicize the just civil
> rights struggle.  I would like to know what Mario Goveia and Chris Vaz
> have done to promote civil rights and compare that with what Jesse Jackson
> and Julian Bond, etc.

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