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--- Mervyn Lobo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, you do agree that you are unable to cite ANY
> source. 
> None whatsoever. 
> Nada.  
> Zip.
> That's classical, Mario.
Mario replies:
No, I don't agree that I have to cite facts that are
so well known around the US.  That's like asking me to
"cite facts" that Canada is unable to provide for it's
own security or that Cuba is a communist enclave.
Mervyn writes:
> In Canada, everyone who enrols in college is an
> excellent reader and writer. You are quite aware
> that people who are unable to read or write are 
> recruited into US colleges every year. I hope you 
> are still able to judge which system is the big 
> joke.
Mario responds:
I guess the brilliance of Canadians is what makes it a
second world country dependant for it's security on
the US.
Mervyn writes:
> A quick search on Google yielded 66,000 articles on
> executions in the US. 
Mario replies:
There are a small handful executions in the US every
year after an average of 12 years of appeals during
which numerous independent juries, judges and review
panels have looked at all the facts.  Not a single
executed person has been proven in a court of law to
have been innocent.
Mervyn writes:
> After you have read the link, I would like you to
> tell the rest of Goanet if you have understood in 
> which year the Rosa Parks protest was.
Mario replies:
You have proved once again, even better than I
originally did, that your knowledge of race relations
in the US and the condition of African Americans is
even more obsolete than I had said.
Mervyn writes:
> Your contention that someone said that the race
> riots were for "equal education, justice and civil 
> rights" is hilarious.
Mario writes:
You are a prime example of my contention that, "A
liberal knows all about everyone else, and knows
what's good for everyone else, far better than they
BTW, what is truly "hilarious" is your repeated
contention that the KKK came to Toledo last month.
Mervyn writes:
There is no defeat in the confession of one¹s error.
The confession itself is a victory. ­ Mahatma Gandhi
Mario replies:
Mahatma Gandhi would not have called successful
African Americans "Uncle Toms", as you have done, and
continue to do.

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