|              Add your name to the CLEAN GOA INITIATIVE                 |
|                                                                        |
|      by visiting this link and following the instructions therein      |
|                                                                        |
|   http://shire.symonds.net/pipermail/goanet/2005-October/033926.html   |
Contrary to the intent in my first riposte, appears Jose Colaco (JC) wants to 
turn this into a discussion......and he has a right to. I will not be a 
willing participant after this message.

I would like to concur with JC and state: Yes, the current Rules do not 
explicitly state that cross-posting is not allowed. So on that technicality, 
JC is RIGHT. Appears when the Rules were last addressed, there was an 
oversight at our end. Thanks to JC for pointing that out. And we hope to 
address that shortly.

Now, re JC's missing msg, that I have no means of tracking, JC knows very well 
that the rejection message stated "Goanet does not accept cross-postings" or 
something to that effect. Besides, JC is not new to Goanet - he has been a 
member since the last century......and knew then as he knows now that Goanet 
does not entertain cross-posts, especially when dozens of people are copied on 
a message. If JC genuinely intended to get his "missing" message to Goanet, JC 
would have complied and re-posted his message without cross-posting or would 
have contacted Goanet Admin directly re the issue of one out of 7 posts 
getting rejected. But he chose to resort to theatrics and shenanigans instead.

Wrt to "Rule of Law" - blah-blah....pls note this is not the Ch*nese govt vs 
S*n Tao. This is Goanet, where Goans have been known to talk about things they 
like and are passionate about in a decent manner. Nobody is interested in 
stifling yours or anybody else's right to express yourself.....that's why some 
debates go on "ad nauseam", as some Goanetters have complained. Goanet Rules 
are intended as a guideline for Goanetters to post to Goanet not as a means 
for Goanet Admin to police Goanetters posts.

If there is anything that has to be withdrawn, it's your BOGUS allegation that 
Goanet Admin have censored you. Period. For someone who had 6-7 messages on 
the same thread approved it is ridiculous to state that you are being 
censored. Since you cast the first allegation (knowing very well that your 
message was rejected on account of cross-posting), you be the first to 
withdraw your BOGUS allegation.

Best wishes - Bosco
Goanet Admin

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