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How much more "WRONG' can YOU be; when U try to read Thomas and put in your own bias!
Mea Culpa!

Nasci Caldeira

From: "D'Souza, Avelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: RE: [Goanet] RE:Goanet Reader: REDO DABOLIM,UNDO MOPA (Valmiki Faleiro)
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2005 09:02:41 +0300


Well said Philip!

The Goa government has been putting a lot of money to upgrade the
facilities at Dabolim but to no avail.

It's high time to focus on Mopa for Goa's development and stop further
improvements for Dabolim which ultimately benefits the Navy.



Philip Thomas wrote:

<What the Ranes and Luizinhos require to do is to impress upon the
the need to "convert" Dabolim...

To convert Dabolim from the present Naval Air Station with a civil
to a Civilian Airport with a naval enclave -- a modernized version of
present one, at much cheaper conversion fees to boot!

But what if, just if, having done that, the Goa government finds that
bigger than its own, grind the axe in Delhi? The answer is simple: we
are a
state and Land Acquisition is as entirely a State subject, as Civil
Aviation is the Centre's. The Goa Government has the means and the ways
allow the Mopa Land Acquisition proceedings to lapse. Where will the
Aviation Ministry build the airport if the State provides no land to

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